*Please note this page is to only be used by approved Lenders. Please enclose your garment details inside the box at check out.
All lenders are encouraged to purchase our Lenders Insurance (one time fee) that will guarantee you a certain amount of the retail price of your hired garment will be paid in the extremely unlikely event your dress is damaged or stolen.
Should your dress not get hired and you/or Goldie's decides to take it off the site, your Lenders Insurance will be fully refunded.
Once the dress has been hired, your Lenders Insurance cannot be refunded.
Bronze Plan: $25 (20% of the RRP)
Silver Plan: $50 (50% of the RRP) Most Popular
Gold Plan: $100 (70% of the RRP)
Goldie’s always advises to read Lenders terms and conditions (bottom of our website) to ensure they understand their insurance conditions.